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The cost of inaction
is too great

The green transition provides an opportunity to strengthen the people-and-planet agenda.

Gulf Sustain aims to promote worker welfare in decision-making spaces responsible for economic diversification and climate action in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region.

Countries in the GCC are undergoing a significant transition to diversify their economies and address climate change.

Although the green transition is an imperative, there is currently no clear guidance on how to implement change in a way that respects and protects the economic security and welfare of workers affected.

Gulf Sustain takes a multi-stakeholder approach to harness the expertise from governments, the private sector, academia and civil society. Our work engages local and regional actors on themes of labour standards, sustainable development, and climate action in order to connect silos, enhance collaboration and achieve a transition to diversified economies in the GCC that account for the welfare of all workers.

Gulf Sustain GCC Countries

Our Approach

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Drive engagement

We bring together key stakeholders to ensure a multi-level approach and include diverse voices in green transition and economic diversification processes.

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Produce knowledge

We develop research and create evidence to promote international standards and support the creation of robust policies and stronger forms of accountability.

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Collaborate & co-create

We partner with local, regional and international stakeholders to provide an enabling environment for developing actionable solutions and expanding networks across the fields of green transition, economic diversification and worker welfare.

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